Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let it Snow!

Yesterday we had a winter storm. I did not expect such an occurrence. It was a lovely snow, perfect for snowmen. And when I have built a snowman I shall add a picture of him.

About an hour after the first photo I took this photo. You can see the snow is falling thick enough that the trees across the way are less distinct and the sky is darker even though it was not that close to sunset.

And this one was taken the next morning (today). Shortly before it stopped snowing we measured the amount of snow on our picnic table out back and it was just at four inches. We also lost power for more than four hours last night. It was kind of fun doing everything by candlelight. We had to bundle up and put several blankets on the bed to sleep. J. had three layers of clothes on! Before the power went out J. was flipping through his book of animal sounds that I have read to him often; when he flipped to the duckling page he said, "Quaak." Then, rather amazed, I said "moo" when he flipped to the cow page and he replied, "mmmmm!" When I told my husband about this, he figured the quack was random chance, but then we heard J. behind us repeating, "quaa quaa quaa." It was quite amusing.

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