Saturday, April 14, 2007

Really This Time

I have been slowly adding mileage to my weekly training schedule, this week I am at a paltry 70 miles, which will be completed later today with a 41 mile ride. My husband and I have discussed and decided that I should go ahead and try to do the RAAM next year. This means I will have to requalify this year, which I am planning to do at The Texas Time Trials. This, I believe, is the closest race to me (geographically) and one that is far enough away (chronologically) that I have enough time to train for it thoroughly.

This try at the RAAM I will hire a coach because last time I tried to train by myself I did a really bad job. So if anyone knows of a good long distance coach.... I am also trying to find sponsors and funding. I may enlist a charity's help in this. I have heard that if I pledge to raise X dollars for a charity then they would be willing to fund my race as long as my race costs are only y% of X dollars.

Currently I am finishing up my second semester of my PhD program, training for a race, planning two races, trying to figure out a very detailed budget for sponsors and perhaps writing an Access program to track my sponsor finding efforts. I do have a 15 page paper due Monday in one of my classes along with a couple of presentations due next week, also. And I am sleepy...

Anyway, it is time to go ride. Bye!