Monday, March 29, 2010

Square Foot Gardening

My parents introduced me to square foot gardening last year and I thought it was a great idea because I have a distinctly black thumb when it comes to growing plants. Later in the year they sent me the book All New Square Foot Gardening. Now this method is nearly fool proof if you follow it, or so the book says. I am all for fool-proof gardening. From what the book tells me about traditional gardening, I would not have been a very successful row gardener. I don't want to till my soil or pH test it or any of that stuff. And I certainly would not get around to weeding it as often as would be required. Fortunately with the SFG method, none of these things are necessary. The website has all the information you need to start your own, so I won't go into any of that here. I just wanted to show off my fancy new garden. I only have a few things planted right now and I am waiting a week to buy another bag of vermiculite to fill my second box. We are starting small this year with only two 4'x4' boxes and the 2'x2' box I made last fall. I would love to plant more but I think that I would like to "get the hang of it" before going all out. Besides, with just my husband, the baby and myself, we don't need a ton of produce. I am still figuring out what to plant and when to start the seeds and everything. I am hoping to place the 2' box on top of the corner of my second 4' box and grow corn in it. I love corn. Really. I can eat it like candy. Or like graham crackers, in my son's case. I plan to post updates every few weeks so you, too, can see how my garden grows.

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