Monday, July 12, 2010

It has been awhile

But on the bright side, I have gotten lots of other good stuff done. But you see, the real problem is that I am a lists person. Several months ago I made a list of things I wanted to get done everyday. Like feed the dog. The list provided spots to check off each item, everyday, until mid-May. Then my list ran out. And my printer ran out of ink, so I couldn't print a new list. Therefore, I didn't get anything done. Like blogging. And every month I would look at the price of ink and decide that it really wasn't necessary. Not as necessary as chocolate ice cream. It finally dawned on me this week that I could use pen and paper to write out my list on graph paper, giving me a place to mark off each task everyday. So now I can remember to blog.

You will be happy to know, I am sure, that the diet is working as it ought. My total cholesterol has dropped from 225 down to 155. All the other numbers dropped nicely, too. We are finding that, with less salt and oil, we are tasting the vegetables more and are enjoying our food more. We also noticed that we have little to no desire to eat food from fast food restaurants any more, even when we are quite hungry. Quite an interesting change, really. The diet tends to be more expensive than our previous diet because we buy so much fresh produce. It takes a lot of produce to keep us full. Which is the main reason we are not completely following the "eat a huge salad everyday" part of the diet. It is just too expensive to do so currently.

Furthermore, I picked up a book titled In Code by Sarah Flannery. An excellent read for any math fans or people interested in the math behind cryptography. After mentioning to my dear spouse how fascinating I found the book he quickly dug out The Codebreakers by David Kahn from the back room and handed the old volume to me. It is from 1967. I know, that isn't all that old, but there is a newer edition out. I have found the book to be vastly interesting. Spouse flipped to the back of the book and pointed out the sections in the index that I would likely find most interesting, but for no particular reason I started right at the beginning and have found all of it to be interesting so far. I don't know if I would be interesting in cryptology or cryptanalysis as a career since I really don't want to spend all day everyday working on a computer, but so far it is an interesting study.

Joseph continues to grow and be amazing. He signs much more now than just a few weeks ago. I love spending time with him. Unless it is after 6pm. Then I just want him to go to bed. The garden is requiring water twice a day but has delicious tomatoes and peppers that we use as fast as they turn ripe. The cat is ensconced in the shop quite happily. The dog has been clipped nearly to the skin and if he has had a recent bath he is allowed inside on hot days.

That's it for now.

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